var CONFIGURATOR_URL = ""; var RP_CONFIGURATOR_ID_TAG_NAME = "data-rp-configurator-id"; var RP_CONFIGURATOR_IFRAME_ADDED_TAG_NAME = "data-rp-iframe-added"; var RP_WIDGET_CONFIGURATOR_TAG_NAME = "data-rp-is-widget" var RP_HAS_BUTTON_TAG_NAME = "data-has-button" var RP_ID_DATA_TAG_NAME = "data-rp-unique-id"; var RP_CUSTOM_ID_DATA_TAG_NAME = "data-rp-id"; var RP_BUTTON_ID_TAG_NAME = "data-rp-button-id"; var RP_EXTERNAL_EVENT_NAME = "rp-event"; var reuzenpandaSnippet = {}; reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_CONFIGURATORS = []; reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_BUTTONS = []; var extraExecutors = []; if (window.extraExecutors) { extraExecutors = window.extraExecutors; } reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_MESSAGE_EXECUTORS = [ ...extraExecutors, { id: "gtm-push", executor: (data) => { window.dataLayer?.push(data[0]); window.rpDataLayer?.push(data[0]); } }, { id: "set-widget-open-state", executor: (data) => { if (data.isOpen) {; } else { reuzenpandaSnippet.removeAnchorsFromUrl(); reuzenpandaSnippet.close(data.configuratorId); } for (var button of reuzenpandaSnippet.filterButtonsByValue(data.configuratorId)) { button.setOpen(!data.isOpen); } } }, { id: "route", executor: (data) => { if (!data.url) { return; } if (!data.url.startsWith("http://") && !data.url.startsWith("https://")) { data.url = "https://" + data.url; } window.location.href = data.url; } } ]; reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_ANCHOR_EXECUTORS = [ { regex: new RegExp("reuzenpanda-open-all"), executor: () => { } }, { regex: new RegExp("reuzenpanda-open-(\\w{8}(-\\w{4}){3}-\\w{12}?)"), executor: (anchor) => { var id = new RegExp("reuzenpanda-open-(\\w{8}(-\\w{4}){3}-\\w{12}?)").exec(anchor)[1]; } } ]; reuzenpandaSnippet.removeAnchorsFromUrl = () => { var url = window.location.href; var [baseUrl, ...hashParts] = url.split('#'); var reuzenpandaHashParts = hashParts.filter(part => { var matchingExecutors = reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_ANCHOR_EXECUTORS.some(ex => ex.regex.test(part)); if (matchingExecutors) { return true; } return false; }); if (reuzenpandaHashParts.length === 0) { return; } var newUrl = `${baseUrl}`; window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, newUrl); }; reuzenpandaSnippet.utils = { generateConfigurator(id, configuratorId, element, isWidget, hasButton) { let iframe = element.querySelector("iframe"); return { id: id, configuratorId: configuratorId, element: element, embedded: !isWidget, hasButton: hasButton, setOpen: (open) => { if (open) { if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ id: "snippet-widget-open", messageId: id, data: { messageId: id, hasButton: hasButton } }, "*"); } element.classList.add("--visible"); } else { if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) { iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ id: "snippet-widget-close", messageId: id, data: { messageId: id, hasButton: hasButton } }, "*"); } element.classList.remove("--visible"); } } }; }, getIframe(id, configuratorId, type) { let iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = CONFIGURATOR_URL + `/configurator/${configuratorId}/${type}/1?messageId=${id}`; iframe.classList.add("reuzenpanda-iframe"); return iframe; } } reuzenpandaSnippet.loadConfigurator = (configuratorId) => { let containers = document.querySelectorAll(`[${RP_CONFIGURATOR_ID_TAG_NAME}]`); for (var container of containers) { if (container.getAttribute(RP_CONFIGURATOR_ID_TAG_NAME) !== configuratorId) { continue; } if(container.getAttribute(RP_CONFIGURATOR_IFRAME_ADDED_TAG_NAME) === "yes") { console.warn("Most likely the Reuzenpanda snippet is installed twice on the page. Please remove the duplicate snippet."); continue; } var isWidget = container.getAttribute(RP_WIDGET_CONFIGURATOR_TAG_NAME); var hasButton = container.getAttribute(RP_HAS_BUTTON_TAG_NAME); let id = uuidv4(); container.setAttribute(RP_ID_DATA_TAG_NAME, id); container.appendChild(reuzenpandaSnippet.utils.getIframe(id, configuratorId, isWidget ? "reuzenpanda-widget" : "reuzenpanda-embedded")); let configurator = reuzenpandaSnippet.utils.generateConfigurator(id, configuratorId, container, isWidget, hasButton); reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_CONFIGURATORS.push(configurator); container.setAttribute(RP_CONFIGURATOR_IFRAME_ADDED_TAG_NAME, "yes"); } } (() => { var configurators = [{"id":"721a3a53-6745-48d8-a0c3-216caf9686b0","displaySettings":{"showBranding":false,"showActionButton":false,"actionButtonText":null}},{"id":"ff1a1101-9402-40a8-90af-085931f72bfb","displaySettings":{"showBranding":false,"showActionButton":false,"actionButtonText":null}}]; var showActionButtons = true; var showWidget = true; if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async function (event) { setup(); load(); }); } else { setup(); load(); } function setup() { (function (w, d, s, l, i) { w[l] = w[l] || [] w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js'}) var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j = d.createElement(s), dl = l != 'rpDataLayer' ? 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[]; } reuzenpandaSnippet.filterButtonsByValue = (value) => { return reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_BUTTONS.filter((c) => === value || c.configuratorId === value || === value || c.customid === value ) ?? []; } = (key) => { for (var configurator of key ? reuzenpandaSnippet.filterConfiguratorsByValue(key) : reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_CONFIGURATORS) { if (!configurator) { continue; } configurator.setOpen(true); for (var button of reuzenpandaSnippet.filterButtonsByValue(configurator.configuratorId)) { button.setOpen(false); } } } reuzenpandaSnippet.close = (key) => { for (var configurator of key ? reuzenpandaSnippet.filterConfiguratorsByValue(key) : reuzenpandaSnippet.RP_CONFIGURATORS) { if (!configurator) { continue; } configurator.setOpen(false); for (var button of reuzenpandaSnippet.filterButtonsByValue(configurator.configuratorId)) { button.setOpen(true); } } }